Dragon 76

Dragon 76


Dragon76 started his career in Japan in 1995. He built his foundation in street art and has worked on numerous CD cover artworks for musicians. He has gained high recognition both domestically and internationally for his murals and live painting performances. In 2016, he moved his base of operations to New York, where he has primarily focused on mural painting and gallery exhibitions.
One of the highlights of his career was in 2021 when he received a commission from the United Nations to create a mural in Houston. This mural was the largest in his career, measuring 76m x 18m. The first series of figures featuring his original character, “DR76,” sold out within one minute of its release, making it difficult to obtain.
The hallmark of his art lies in blending various cultures and themes of “coexistence” in New York, where people with different identities reside. He aims to harmonize and coexist contrasting elements such as light and shadow, nature and technology, and the past and the future. Through this style, He expresses individuals and characters in a way that showcases the fusion of diverse cultures.

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