Based in Dubai but Born in Lebanon, Suzi Fadel Nassif is a contemporary self-taught artist. Her colorful and vibrant paintings pay homage to her homeland and to the city of lights Dubai. Conscious of her orientation, she explored various mediums and techniques whilst Lebanon was going through a rather difficult wartime.
Led by Salvador Dali’s interest for minute details, Suzi invented her own line the “Suzism” and excels in the use of color arrangement and texture. Stimulating elements of abstract impressionism, surrealism and cubism wedded in perfect harmony and balance, being inspired from the interlinking of people of varying backgrounds, multiculturalism, mysteries of existence and semblance of emotions.
Suzi is the legendary storyteller Scheherazade in her own artistic way where colors, faces, phases, mediums, brushes, and canvas are the main vessels to tell stories of more than one thousand and one nights!