Syadat Baihaqi

Syadat Baihaqi


Syadat is an illustrator based in Jakarta, Indonesia. He specializes in creating captivating artwork with a dark art theme. Ever since he was a child, he has had a passion for drawing, and upon graduating from high school, he decided to pursue a professional career in illustration. It has been an incredible journey spanning over five years since he embarked on this path in 2017.

In addition to working on collaborations and commissions, Syadat has also ventured into the world of NFT creation since 2021. This exciting digital realm has allowed him to explore new possibilities and connect with a broader audience.

The inspiration behind his art stems from his previous experience as a drummer in a metal band back in 2015. The visuals of band t-shirts, such as those from Ghost, Lamb of God, and similar bands, left a lasting impression on him. Their unique and captivating artwork resonated deeply, fueling his creative exploration into the dark art genre.

Skulls, animals, and mythological creatures hold a special place in his heart when it comes to creating artwork. The wealth of references and literature available in this realm immerses Syadat in a world of imagination, enabling him to visualize and bring to life the monstrous creatures that inhabit my work.

He takes great pride in his ability to merge his passion for drawing with his love for the dark and macabre, creating evocative and visually striking pieces that captivate the viewer’s imagination.

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