Size 120 × 120 cm
Medium Modern Rug
Limited edition Unique of 1
0 Reviews
by Zhanna Tsytsyn

#55 of 100 Days of Sun

This featured work is part of the ‘100 days of sun’ series. For 100 days straight, these works were markers of time during the reopening after the pandemic closures. Each piece is a geometric square made to resemble the IG feed of cropped images showing only what we want to be seen. The proportions of the frame show and reflect the reality of the post-pandemic world and the changes in the way we maintain our connections.

price fee $1,225.00

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Zhanna Tsytsyn

Zhanna Tsytsyn is a contemporary multimedia artist who has studied fine art and design academically. Her works celebrate strength, power, wisdom, and the identity of womanhood and the female spirit. As an immigrant child, she has witnessed the indomitable human spirit it takes to rebuild a life and assimilate into a new culture. Identity and a sense of belonging are recurring themes in her work.

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