Medium Modern Rug
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by AJ Bartoletti

Arabic 12-Fold Plate

AJ Bartoletti’s intricate tessellation takes inspiration from the captivating architecture of ancient Arabia. The geometry seen in Arabian sacred structures is crucial for capturing the beauty, elegance, and intellect embedded in the culture and space adornment. Master architects of that era employed an artistic and systematic approach, expressing a profound connection to the nature of the divine world.

When immersed in the act of drawing in the traditional Arabic style, AJ Bartoletti envisions being in the mindset of the brilliant creators, sensing a connection to shared consciousness through the amalgamation of geometry and the hands-on process of drawing. The Arabic 12-Fold Plate, crafted by AJ Bartoletti, boasts a dense sub-grid with 12-fold rotational symmetry, resulting in a lively tessellation that resonates with electricity. Remaining faithful to the essence of the art form, the piece is drawn in a traditional manner, without embellishments on the sub-grids, ensuring consistency and complementing the design’s high vibrational energy in ink on black paper.

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AJ Bartoletti

Anthony Joseph Bartoletti is a young artist who specializes in analog geometric art. He began his artistic journey shortly before the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic, using art as a form of self-therapy and meditation during isolation. His work combines strict Euclidean geometry, old-school and modern perspective drawing principles, and analytical pattern and design concepts. A.J. meticulously hand-draws each piece with basic tools like squares, straight edges, and a compass. His art showcases a seamless blend of two- and three-dimensional space, revealing coherence and structure within the chaos. Based in Northeastern Pennsylvania, A.J. balances his art with family and music, serving as a guitar instructor and finding deep fulfillment in both teaching and creating.

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