Medium Modern Rug
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by Allan Linder

Inks and Hues

The artist’s bold use of color further enhances the dynamism of the MUZE collection. Radiant reds, passionate pinks, electric blues, and sunshine yellows intertwine to form a symphony of hues that reverberate throughout the canvases. Linder’s expert manipulation of the palette amplifies the emotions embedded in each painting, immersing the viewer in a visually stunning journey. Graffiti-like elements contribute to the series’ urban and contemporary vibe.
Linder incorporates fragmented words, symbols, and abstract shapes, blurring the lines between traditional fine art and street art. This infusion of graffiti elements adds a layer of complexity to the overall composition, symbolizing the multifaceted nature of feminine beauty and the diverse identities of the women represented.
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Allan Linder

Allan Linder, born in 1966 in California, United States, began exhibiting his work at the Installations One art gallery in Los Angeles during the 80s. After receiving success with a series of paintings titled “Freedom”, an expose on the fall of the Berlin Wall, and an article in the LA Times, Linder continued to pursue his art career in New York City, when he relocated in 2000. He fabricates paintings, drawings, digital artwork, mixed media artworks, and sculptures using various materials and techniques. His recent work MUZE is a collection of hand-painted artworks scanned at high resolution and digitally painted. The resulting artwork is a merger of traditional art with digital paint, printed as a giclée on canvas. Then he adds additional acrylic layers again, giving depth and color to the original image. This systematic process of enhanced prints was created by the artist over many years.

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