Size 120 × 120 cm
Medium Modern Rug
Limited edition Unique of 1
0 Reviews
by Chiara Magni


She wanted to depict based on her creativity and her way of seeing things. The energy of that moment was the main subject of the whole composition. A very textured oil was applied on the canvas with her fingers, the curls in the sky are the perfect example of that. The very small blue dome on the background is what gives the title to the painting.

price fee £951.00

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ArchivesExclusive Artist

Chiara Magni

Chiara Magni is a professional painter from Italy! She is collected all over the world. Her paintings are bold and textured! She specializes in oil on canvas and has developed a new painting style she has named “Bright Expressionism”. Her paintings convey strong emotions and feelings! Chiara is a real wizard of the color!

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