Size 120 × 153 cm
Medium Modern Rug
Limited edition Unique of 1
0 Reviews
by Lene Pollestad

Misty Morning

Like most of Lene’s paintings, this came about quite randomly. She wanted to make a painting with a lot of texture, but with warm soothing colors. She actually studied a lot of rugs before she made this painting. And found that there are a lot of rugs that could also serve as paintings. So this was an even more pleasant surprise, that this exact painting ended up as a rug.

price fee ¥236,700

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ArchivesExclusive Artist

Lene Pollestad

Lene Pollestad is a 43-year-old Norwegian self-taught artist with a strong focus on abstract expressionism. She enjoys abstract painting the most, fascinated by how the brain immediately starts to work on finding meaning and shapes in the abstract. She loves, however, to experiment with both color, style and techniques. She lets the process run her course, and the final results are often far away from what she planned initially.

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